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Tuesday 18 September 2018

Meeting 2

Saturday, 22nd September 2018.

The second meeting involves the research classification.  There are 3 systems mentioned; system 1 (types), system 2 (approach) and system 3 (design)

System 1 (Design)

*Developing and testing theories and hypotheses that are intellectually challenging
*Pure, fundamental research
*Discovery of new knowledge; theoretical in nature
*Takes many years for the result
*Not suitable for master's research

*Improve on the product and in the process
*Central purpose to solve immediate problem
*Always done on the basis of basic research
*More appropriate for master's research

System 2 (Approach)

*We determine our variables
*Structured approach
*We have the instrument to measure it
*Deal with numericals, measurable data
*Clearly stated questions
*Testing hypothesis which only exist in quantitative approach, not qualitative.
*Large samples (based on the population; refer to Krecjie and Morgan)
*Statistically analysis
*Involve variables (something we want to measure)
*Type of measurement (NOIR)
N - Nominal, number has no meaning, just to label. Example = car plate, phone number
O - Ordinal, number has meaning when we rank it
Example = likert scale, ranking in class
I - Interval (a.k.a. scale), when zero means something
Example = test marks, 0 degree temperature
R - Ratio (a.k.a.scale), when zero means nothing
Example = 0 cup of coffee

*Non-numerical data (observation and interview)
*Observation of a natural setting (students motivation)
In-depth descriptions of situations - have to be very detail
*Interpretive and descriptive
>>Ethnography (study about culture, we have to go experienced their culture)
>>Phenomenology (study about a person like cancer patient, explore how do they interpret their experience)
>>Discourse analysis (study about communication, how we talk, our tone and etc)
>>Grounded theory (come out with a new theory)

System 3 (Design)

*IVs & DVs (independent & dependent variables)
*study of cause and effect
*make sure we know how to handle the extraneous variable controls
*Control group vs experimental group
*Random assignment (when dividing the groups)

*Causal-comparative (independent variables cannot be changed and manipulated; age, gender, etc)
*Descriptive - need lots of explanation and description
*Correlational - study the correlation between two or more variables.
>> positive correlation - x increase, y also increase and vice versa
>> negative correlation - x increase, y decrease and vice versa
*Grounded theory

Criteria for a Good Research Topic

*Should be feasible (can be done in - time, cost, equipment, administrative support, peer support, availability, accessibility of participants, research's competent)
*Interesting, novel, ethical and relevant
*What, why, when, who, how?
*Related to uor field of study.

Chapter 1 (1.1 Introduction)

1.1 Introduction (introduction to the topic- ELABORATE,  IMPORTANCE, REASONS AND GENERAL PURPOSE  and introduction to the chapter) - last chapter must include introduction to next chapter)
>>1 - 1 and 1/2 pages and state why the research is important
1.2 Background of the study
>>no standard number of pages. Depend on the issue discussed in the research
>>outline the history of the subject matter under investigation
>>The evolution of the research problem
>>Describe specific situation surrounding the research problem-using fact from the literature or empirical observation.
>>Using all obtainable evidences to establish groundwork (history, general problem statement)
>>No standard number of pages- well focused
1.3 Statement of the problem
1.4 Research objectives ( strongly connected to Research Problem)
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Research Hypotheses
1.7 Significant of the study
>>Something new to contribute to knowledge
>>Clarify the possible benefits of the research – to whom
>>can be arranged sequentially or itemized
1.8 Scope/ Delimitations of the study
>>Level of coverage (sample, time length, survey item, construct)
>>Limitations : weaknesses of the study – beyond the control of the researchers ( inaccuracies of he respondents’ perceptions, the capability of the instrument, sampling procedure- purposive sampling)
1.9 Operational definition of Terms
>>Variable is operationalize way in which the attribute is represented  for further data processing. – (how we measure)
´1.10 Conclusion

Chapter 1 (1.3 Statement of the Problem)

*normally 2-3 pages
1. Outline areas on interest
2. Choose a topic
3. Narrow down the topic
4. Identify a research problem
5. Identify a purpose of the study

1. Topic in the first paragraph
>>Opening sentences are significant – attract readers.
>>State the topic in the title and introduce it in the first sentence.
>>Example : Inhibitors to implementing a problem solving Approach to teaching Elementary Science: Case study of a Teacher in Change (Mary Lee Martens, 2012)
>>Research Problem : The problem solving mode of teaching elementary science now recommended in many states implies change for many group of professionals including teachers, administrators, and other individuals charge with implementing educational policy.  Teacher however……

2. The research problem
>>Narrow down the topic to a specific research problem/ issue.
>>Research problem is an educational issue, concern or controversy that the researcher investigates.
>>Single sentence or couple of sentences
>>What types of research problem? Practical research problem vs research- based research problem.
>>Applying deductive method

3. Justification of the importance of the problem in the past
>>Citing evidence from other researchers or exerts.
>>Citing evidence from experiences others have had in the workplace
>>Citing evidence from personal experiences.

4. Why do we need to study? (The deficiencies in our existing knowledge about the problem)
>>Summarize our present state of knowledge (from research and practice).
>>A Deficiency in the evidence means = past literature and practical experiences of the researchers do not adequately address the problem.
>>Deficiency in research may require a need to extend, replicate.
>>Deficiency in practice means that the educators have not yet identified good and workable solutions

5. Who is the audience that will benefit from this research?
>>Consists of individuals and groups who will read and potentially benefit from the research study.
​´Measure variables
´Assess the impact of these variables on an outcome
´Test theories
´Apply result to large people
​´Learn about views of individuals
´Assess a process over time.
´Generate theories based on participant perspectives
´Obtain detailed information about a few people or research sites.

How to Develop Research Objectives and Research Questions

Ask what you would have to do to solve the research problem
*What or who will form my sample?
*Why those/that, rather than others?
*How will I select them?
*How will I gain access to them?
*What exactly will I use?
*Why that/those, rather than other equipment/instruments/analytical methods?
*Should be clear, achievable and verifiable
*In the form of actions (verb). – to discover, determine, establish, compare, analyse, evaluate etc.
*What we expect to achieve by a research.
​*Tally with research objectives

Qualitative Research Objectives and Research Questions

*To find out disciplinary problems that excellent teachers encounter in their classroom.
*To investigate the strategies that excellent teachers use and implement in the classroom in managing their students’ disciplinary problems.
*To find out excellent teachers’ perspectives concerning strategies implemented.
*To investigate sources of the strategies used to manage students’ behaviour in the classroom
*What are the disciplinary problems encountered by excellent teachers in their classroom?
*How do excellent teachers manage students’ discipline in the classroom?
*What are the perspectives of excellent teachers in managing students discipline in the classroom?
*What are the sources of their strategies used to manage students’ behaviour in the classroom?

Theory and Hypothesis

​*A belief or prediction of the final outcome of the research
*A concreate, specific statement about the relationships between phenomena.
*Based on deductive reasoning.
*There is no significant difference/ relationship (null hypothesis)
*There is a significant difference / relationship (alternate hypothesis)

*There is a relationship between self-efficacy and cognitive learning outcomes
>>Null hypothesis
​>>Alternate hypothesis
*A belief or assumption about how things relate to each other
*A theory establishes a cause-and- effect relationship between variables with the purpose of explaining and predicting phenomena.
*Based on inductive reasoning.

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