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Sunday 2 December 2018

Meeting 7

Saturday, 1st Disember 2018

For the last meeting, all of us were required to present our chapter 1, 2 and 3 for our research. There were 16 people altogether which means we could not take too much time to presentation. The time given were only for 10-12 minutes.

My presentation was a little bit haywire. To be honest, I don't really get to practice since there were so many presentations and assignments due on the 1st of Disember. However, I know that is not an excuse to perform badly. Hence, I did not really hope for high marks for this presentation, I just hope I have done enough to make it through to Part 3 next year. Here are some photos from my presentation. My slides got comment on being too colourful for a serious presentation. Have to bear that in mind for next presentation.

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