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Friday 14 December 2018

Reflection on the Course

Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah SWT, I managed to survive and finished the EDU 702 ~ Research Methodology class quite well. onion-head-emoticon-15I would not say that this course is very interesting and invinting, however it is very informative and helpful.hero-hi

To be honest, deciding to continue with my master after 5 years working was not an ideal decision that I regretted sometimes because I felt 'rustic' head-down-oh no-cryingand need to catch up with my younger classmates. Sometimes I felt out of breath154218d4 and wanted to give up. i m deadEspecially when thinking about my research that is rather detail and a big deal while doing master. (obviously)

Thankfully, I enrolled in this EDU 702 in my second semester which is very helpful with the progress of my research. By the end of this course, I had completed Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 which had given a clear direction on how my research would turn out. I had a meeting with my supervisor, Dr Noor Zainab and Alhamdulillah, she did not have any problem with my research topic. She corrected my research questions and had given me a point of view on which angle to focused on with my wide scope in terms of the topic.

I would like to personally thank onion-head-emoticon-3 my lovely lecturer Dr. Hamimah for every knowledge given and every guidance provided. I hope you will succeed May I do that in all your future undertakings and granted health and wealth.


Lots of  wifi heart

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Finishing the Write-Up

Alhamdulillah.. I finished my Chapter 1,2 and 3 write up today. To be honest, it was the most challenging assignment to be completed for the whole 2 semesters of my masters. It was not an easy thing to clarify your stand with the back up of previous study. Definitely a lot of reading needed to be done. And to get study that was really similar to your ideas were not easy as well. Nevertheless this assignment is really helpful in getting us to really start on thinking about the dissertation topic and start writing Chapter 1,2 and 3.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Meeting 7

Saturday, 1st Disember 2018

For the last meeting, all of us were required to present our chapter 1, 2 and 3 for our research. There were 16 people altogether which means we could not take too much time to presentation. The time given were only for 10-12 minutes.

My presentation was a little bit haywire. To be honest, I don't really get to practice since there were so many presentations and assignments due on the 1st of Disember. However, I know that is not an excuse to perform badly. Hence, I did not really hope for high marks for this presentation, I just hope I have done enough to make it through to Part 3 next year. Here are some photos from my presentation. My slides got comment on being too colourful for a serious presentation. Have to bear that in mind for next presentation.