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Sunday 11 November 2018

Phenomenology Research

Phenomenology has its roots in a 20th century philosophical movement based on the work of the philosopher Edmund Husserl. As research tool, phenomenology is based on the academic disciplines of philosophy and psychology and has become a widely accepted method for describing human experiences.  Phenomenology is a qualitative research method that is used to describe how human beings experience a certain phenomenon.  A phenomenological study attempts to set aside biases and preconceived assumptions about human experiences, feelings, and responses to a particular situation.  It allows the researcher to delve into the perceptions, perspectives, understandings, and feelings of those people who have actually experienced or lived the phenomenon or situation of interest.  Therefore, phenomenology can be defined as the direct investigation and description of phenomena as consciously experienced by people living those experiences.  Phenomenological research is typically conducted through the use of in-depth interviews of small samples of participants.  By studying the perspectives of multiple participants, a researcher can begin to make generalizations regarding what it is like to experience a certain phenomenon from the perspective of those that have lived the experience.
Following is a list of the main characteristics of phenomenology research:
  • It seeks to understand how people experience a particular situation or phenomenon.
  • It is conducted primarily through in-depth conversations and interviews; however, some studies may collect data from diaries, drawings, or observation.
  • Small samples sizes, often 10 or less participants, are common in phenomenological studies.
  • Interview questions are open-ended to allow the participants to fully describe the experience from their own view point.
  • Phenomenology is centered on the participants’ experiences with no regard to social or cultural norms, traditions, or preconceived ideas about the experience.
  • It focuses on these four aspects of a lived experience:  lived spaced, lived body, lived time, and lived human relations.
  • Data collected is qualitative and analysis includes an attempt to identify themes or make generalizations regarding how a particular phenomenon is actually perceived or experienced.

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